About us
Renel Ghana Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization working to promote and protect the rights of women, youths, children persons with disabilities to make them realize their full potential.
Renel Ghana Foundation has been in existence since 2013 and is legally registered under the laws of Ghana. We are currently working with ten staff and two hundred and thirty volunteers across the world. Over our existence, we have created a lasting impact on the lives of the most vulnerable communities. As Convenors of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 5,10 and 16 Platform and the leading agency of CSOs Platform on Social Protection in Ghana, we have advanced the lives of women/girls, children, youth, and people with disabilities through the lens of Gender Mainstreaming and Social Protection in our five thematic pillars (Education, Health, Peace and Security, Empowerment and Climate). Renel Ghana Foundation is committed to social change and development through social intervention programs. We believe in advancing the lives of the people we serve and delivering lasting change against norms and traditions preventing them from reaching their full potential. Our work is gender transformative, right-based, participatory, and active at all levels. We collaborate with international, national, and community organizations to implement gender equality laws, policies, programs, and services that truly benefit women/girls, children, and the youth in Africa. We believe in the values of Integrity, Accomplishment, Respect, Professionalism, Community Engagement, Learning and Commitment.
Our Mission
Our mission is to advance integrated and multi-faceted approaches to empower women/girls, youth, and children to significantly and permanently enhance their lives.
Our Vision
We envisage a world where women/girls, children, and youth have access to the needed resources to realize their full potential.
1. Governance and Participation: Women and youth leaders take part in governance systems and profit from them equally.
2. Economic Empowerment: Empower women and youth to enjoy stable incomes, respectable jobs, and economic liberty.
3. Protection from Violence: Protect women, youth, children persons with disabilities from all forms of violence.
4. Peace and Resilience: Strengthening the capacity of women, youth, children persons with disabilities to have a larger role in promoting long-lasting peace and resilience through humanitarian efforts, disaster preparedness, and conflict resolution.
5. Research and Action: Advance evidence-to-action research to address challenges affecting women, youth, children persons with disabilities