
unlimited Goal
$0 Raised

SRHR Sensitization

The campaign’s outreach efforts seeks to sensitize students in the Ada East District by providing them with essential knowledge and resources to make informed decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health. The district has been noted for teenage pregnancy prevalence in Ghan. By fostering an open dialogue and imparting crucial information, the campaign aims to empower students to navigate challenges and risks associated with early pregnancies, ultimately fostering a safer and healthier environment within the school community. By directly engaging students and provising compreshensive SRHR information in partnership with health facilities in the communities, we are raising awareness about the detrimental effects of teenage pregnancy, the campaign has sparked conversations and catalyzed positive change within the school environments. Through workshops, discussions, and educational materials, students are gaining valuable insights into the consequences of early parenthood and the importance of contraceptive methods and responsible sexual behavior. They are being equipped to make informed choices regarding their reproductive health, reducing the likelihood of unplanned pregnancies and empowering them to pursue their educational and personal goals with confidence and resilience. Let us come together to increase the reach of the project by donating to support comprehensive sexuality information for students in the Ada East District.

Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Cedis Account Details
Zenith Bank Ghana Limited
Name: Renel Ghana Foundation Number: 6011308562
Address : 6E MD Est St. MD Estate Trasaco, GA -414-1469
Branch: East Legon

USD Account Details
Bank : Zenith Bank Ghana Limited
Name: Renel Ghana Foundation
Account Number: 6041314218
Branch : East Legon
Address : 6E MD Est St. MD Estate Trasaco, GA -414-1469
Branch: East Legon

Mobile Mobile Money
Name: Renel Ghana

Donation Total: $100.00

Women: Our Peace Tree

$15.00 Raised
Unlimited Goal

AgriEmpower Women

$0 Raised
Unlimited Goal

Generation Equality Program

$0 Raised
Unlimited Goal